Cross Checked (Shots On Goal Standalone Series Book 2)

If you’ve read Hat Trick (Book 1) then you have already met Brayden and Kayla. If you haven’t, then get off your butt and get to reading!! Brayden and Kayla meet under the most awful of situations, his mother and sister were in an accident resulting in the death of his mother and landing his sister in ICU. Kayla was the night ICU nurse who was on the night his sister was brought in, and was kind enough to text him to let him know his sister had an uneventful night.
A few months later at a pet adoption in the park, Brayden and Kayla meet up again. This time they are both single and they start texting each other. Brayden, a star with the New York Otters (my favorite hockey team), is not into relationships in the beginning of the story. Like most guys his age, he was into the ‘hookup’ and not a date. It was great to read the way he changed in the story without him seeming to notice. Kayla is not your typical female, she loves a relationship, but never wants to get married. I love the flow of the story, but as with most of Ms. Mazzola’s works, it’s over far too soon. I would definitely recommend both Cross Checked and Hat Trick.